Electronic Hotel Safe: In Hotels

Safety is very important for everyone around the world and it’s something that people always have in mind when traveling. They want to be the safest they can in a place where they don’t live in. So, for frequent travelers they want to stay in a hotel that is the safest possible, for example there must be in a safe zone, with front desk working 24/7 but most importantly there must have a hotel safe in each room.

This last thing it’s very important because people tend to travel with cash and important documentation so there must be a place in the room where they can safely store their belongings. This is something that most hotels of 5 stars class possess but it must be applied to hotels from all the quality ranges.

Electronic Hotel Safe: In Hotels

A great recommendation is the electronic hotel safe of the company Be-Tech. They have over 28 years of experience on the market where they have established themselves in China, and in other countries, as a world-class, high quality producer of security products – with an emphasis on electronic locks and safes.

The product that fit the description is the Be-Tech Guard series in-room safe which is ideal for combining high technology and fashionable design. These two things are the best option for even the most demanding types of hotels, as they will work great to be able to secure any guest’s belongings.

This product comes with a very particular design which incorporates an illuminated blue keypad. This is a great visually designed combination that ensures that Be-Tech is a high-quality trendsetter safe manufacturer. This Be-Tech Guard safe will bring a very comfortable and safe experience to the guests of the hotel that were to use the product. It is ensured to take the user-interface experience to a new and improved level.

Let’s dive into some of the advantages of acquiring this product for any hotel.

  • Smart Package: with the smart package the installer (owner of the hotel) is able to print a comprehensive 300-event log from the history of the sage.
  • Smart Button Key: this function refers to a compact electronic key that is able to override the safe. This allows for any type of safe operations.
  • Outlets: there are optional internal power outlet that are located on the inside door of the safe for the guest’s comfort. There are: Guard 1GL, 3GL and 5GL.

Some other useful features that should be known of this specific product are that they are ADA compliant and have a telephone-style keypad. They also have inside light which is great for guest convenience. For a greater experience and design the safe comes with an internal carpet, that elevates the product and gives it a more stylish feel. In regards of the safety it has a spring-loaded door with a revolutionary locking system with double deadbolt mechanism.

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